
Not to admit that which exceeds us, and not to wish to exceed oneself: that is in fact the whole program of psychologism, and it is the very definition of LUCIFER. The opposite or primordial and normative attitude is: not to think except in reference to that which exceeds us, and to live but for the sake of exceeding oneself; to seek greatness where this is to be found, and not on the plane of the individual and his rebellious pettiness. In order to rejoin true greatness, man must first of all agree to pay the debt of his own pettiness by remaining small on the plane where he cannot help being small; the sense of objective reality, on the one hand, and of the absolute, on the other, does not go without a certain abnegation, and it is this abnegation in fact which allows us to be fully faithful to our human vocation. (GTUFS: LogicT, The Contradiction of Relativism)