Categoria: Joseph Campbell

  • Joseph Campbell

    JOSEPH CAMPBELL (1904-1987) Renomado estudioso norte-americano dos mitos e lendas da humanidade, investigando sempre padrões e possíveis analogias, que permitissem melhor compreender a condição humana através de sua produção mitológica. ; ; ;

  • Joseph Campbell (Héros) – Gilgamesh

    La plus importante légende de la quête de l’élixir dans la tradition mésopotamienne prébiblique est celle de Gilgamesh, roi légendaire de la ville sumérienne d’Erech (Uruk), qui entreprit d’aller cueillir le cresson d’immortalité, la plante « A Ne Jamais Vieillir ». Après être passé sans dommage devant les lions qui défendent les contreforts et les…

  • Joseph Campbell – Apresentação das “Mil e Uma Noites”

    My hope for the present book, therefore, is that its ancient science of Shehrzad, which has already charmed us, may, when we go past the portion introduced by Galland, so amplify our experience of the world that, seeing ourselves in perspective, some of us shall wish to rejoin the human race. Then, indeed, the reading…

  • Joseph Campbell – The Work of the Brothers Grimm

    FOLKLORISTIC COMMENTARY FRAU KATHERINA VIEHMANN (1755–1815) was about fifty-five when the young Grimm brothers discovered her. She had married in 1777 a tailor of Niederzwehren, a village near Kassel, and was now a mother and a grandmother. “This woman,” Wilhelm Grimm wrote in the preface to the first edition of the second volume (1815), “……