Coomaraswamy: Bibliografia

BIBLIOGRAFIA DE ANANDA K. COOMARASWAMY (bibliografia compilada por seu filho Rama Coomaraswamy)



OBRAS DIGITAIS (português e espanhol)
Myths of the Hindus & Buddhists, en colaboración con Sister Nivedita, Harrap, Londres, 1913. Reimpresión: Dover Publications, Inc., Nueva York, 1967. Trad. española: Mitos y leyendas hindúes y budistas, M. E. Editores, Madrid, 1995 (traducción de Diana Gibson). Trad. italiana: Miti dell’India e del buddismo (con Suor Nivedita) (trad. de A. Odierno), Laterza, Bari 1927 (edizione anastatica), Laterza, Bari 1980, con una nota de Raniero Gnoli. MITOS HINDUS Y BUDISTAS

(em português)


The dance of Siva; fourteen Indian essays, Sunwise Turn Press, Nueva York, 1918. Ed. revisada: Sagar Publications, Nueva Delhi 1976. Trad. española: La danza de Shiva, Siruela, Madrid, 1996 (incompleto, sólo se incluyen los artículos referentes al arte). Trad. francesa: Madeleine Roland: La Danse de Shiva, con un prólogo de Romain Roland, Rieder, Paris 1918. Reimpresión: Editions Awac, Rennes 1979. Trad. italiana: La danza di Siva. Arte e civiltà dell’India, Luni Editrice, Milano 1997. Dança de Shiva
The Arts and Crafts of India and Ceylon, Foulis, Edimburgo, 1913. Reimpresión: Noonday Press, Nueva York, 1964. Traducción española: Artes y oficios de la India y Ceilán, Aguilar, Madrid, s. f. Trad. Francesa: Les Arts et les Métiers de l’Inde et de Ceylan, 1924 ARTES Y OFICIOS DE LA INDIA Y CEILÃN
Selected Papers I / Traditional Art and Symbolism, a cargo de Roger Lipsey, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1977 ARTE Y SIMBOLISMO TRADICIONAL
Selected Papers II / Metaphysics (some essays) ARTÍCULOS SELECTOS METAFÍSICA
Spiritual Authority and Temporal: Power in the Indian Theory of Government, Edited by Keshavaram N. Iengar and Rama P. Coomaraswamy (1993): The Indian theory of Government is expounded on the basis of the textural sources.? The welfare of the community depends upon the obedience and loyalties of the subjects to the dual control of the King and Priest, that of the King to the Priest, and that of all to the principle of an Eternal Law-Dharma-as King of Kings.

VEJA TAMBÉM: Essays In National Idealism

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

VEJA TAMBÉM: The_Bugbear_Of_Literacy

Elements of Buddhist Iconography, Edited by Krishna Deva. ELEMENTOS DE ICONOGRAFÍA BUDISTA
Time and Eternity: Coomaraswamy propounds that though we live in Time, our deliverance lies in Eternity.? All religions make this distinction between what is merely “everlasting” or “perpetual” and what is eternal. EL TIEMPO Y LA ETERNIDAD
Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought: Collected Essays on the Traditional or «Normal» View of Art, (Second Series), Luzac, Londres, 1946 FIGURAS DE LENGUAJE O FIGURAS DE PENSAMIENTO
The Living Thoughts of Gotama The Buddha, with I. B. Horner, Cassel, Londres, 1948. Trad. francesa: La Pensée de Gotama le Buddha, 1949. PENSAMENTO VIVO DE BUDA
Buddha and the gospel of Buddhism, Putnam, Nueva York, 1916. Reimpres.: Harper & Row, Nueva York, 1964. Trad. española: Buda y el Evangelio del Budismo, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1969. Paidós Ibérica, Barcelona, 1989. (trad. de Enrique Franchi). Trad. italiana: Buddha e la dottrina del buddhismo (introd. y traducción de G. Sassi), Luni Editrice, Milano 1994. EVANGELHO DE BUDA
Hinduism and buddhism, Edited by Keshavarama N. Iengar and Rama P. Coomaraswamy (1999): The two essays are authoritative expositions of the teachings of these religions as understood by those who practised them rather than as understood by scholars and comparative religionists who studied and reviewed them from without. HINDUISMO Y BUDISMO
What is Civilisation (1989): The essays comprising the volume ask fundamental questions, which are both piercing and incisive.? In one unbroken sweep, a vast spectrum of Western and Eastern Civilisations is covered. ¿QUÉ ES CIVILIZACIÓN?
Compilação de ensaios já incluídos em outras coletâneas LA DOCTRINA INDIA DEL FIN ÚLTIMO DEL HOMBRE
The darker side of dawn LA FAZ OSCURA DE LA AURORA
The Transformation of Nature in Art, Edited by Kapila Vatsyayan (1995): In this volume, Coomaraswamy attempts to explain the theory behind medieval European and Asiatic art, especially art in India.? The first principle of his theories is that art does not exist for its own sake; it exists as a means to some religious conditions or experience. LA TRANSFORMACIÓN DE LA NATURALEZA EN ARTE
Why Exhibit Works of Art?, Luzac, Londres, 1943; reimpresso como: Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art, Dover, Nueva York, 1956. Nueva edición: Munshiram Manoharlal, N. Delhi. Trad. española: La filosofía cristiana y oriental del arte, Taurus, Madrid, 1980 (trad. de Esteve Serra). Trad. italiana: Come interpretare un’opera d’arte, Rusconi, Milano 1977 LA VERDADERA FILOSOFÍA DEL ARTE CRISTIANO Y ORIENTAL
The Perception of the Vedas, Edited by Vidya Nivas Misra (2000): Coomaraswamy’s stuides of the Vedas and Upanishad, published in a variety of American, European and Indian Journals, have been arranged in this volume in relations to some aspect or the other of Vedic text as one integrated perception. A New Approach to the Vedas: An Essay in Translation and Exegesis, Luzac, Londres, 1933. Nueva edición: The Vedas, Essays en Translation and Exegesis, Prologos Books, Beckenham, 1976. Trad. francesa: Une nouvelle approche des Vedas. Essai de traduction et d’exégèse, Arché, Milano, 1994. LOS VEDAS, ENSAYOS DE TRADUCCIÓN Y EXÉGESIS
(ensaios em outra compilação já citada) PATRON Y ARTISTAS
(ensaios em outra compilação já citada) SIR GAWAIN Y EL CABALLERO VERDE: INDRA Y NAMUCI
On the Traditional Doctrine of Art, Golgonooza Press, Ipswich, 1977. Editado como libro aparte: Sobre la doctrina tradicional del arte, Olañeta, Palma de Mallorca, 1983 (trad. de Esteve Serra) Sobre la Doctrina Tradicional del Arte
(ensaios em outras compilações já citadas) SOBRE LA TRADUCCIÓN
The Indian craftsman O ARTESÃO INDIANO
The village community and modern progress A COMUNIDADE DE UM VILAREJO E O PROGRESSO MODERNO
Teaching of Drawing in Ceylon O ENSINAMENTO DO DESENHO NO CEILÃO
History of Indian and Indonesian Art História da Arte da Índia e da Indonésia