
Space (concrete / abstract): Concrete SPACE is the amplitude, the delimitation and the situation of spatial phenomena; abstract SPACE is extension in itself, which phenomena render measurable. (GTUFS: DivineHuman, Structure and Universality of the Conditions of Existence)

Space / Time: Space has three dimensions: length, width and height; then six subjective dimensions: above, below, right, left, before, behind. Analogously, time has four objective dimensions – the four phases of a cycle: morning, day, evening, night; or spring, summer, autumn, winter; or again, childhood, youth, maturity, old age – and two subjective dimensions: the past and the future; the present being beyond our grasp, as is the center in SPACE. (GTUFS: HaveCenter, Universal Categories)

Space goes from the ungraspable point to limitless extension; and time, from the instant to perpetuity. (GTUFS: DivineHuman, Structure and Universality of the Conditions of Existence)

Space is “round,” therefore it is limited, but not spatially so; it would be impossible to reach its confines otherwise than in an indirect way, given the fact that our faculties of sensation cannot under any circumstances step outside the spatial condition. As for time, it is “spiroidal” and irreversible, hence its cyclic rhythm. (GTUFS: TreasuresB, Cosmological and Eschatological Viewpoints)