object (FS)

Subject / Object: As for the categories “subject” and “OBJECT,” we shall begin by taking note of the fact that the OBJECT is reality in itself, or reality envisaged in connection with its perceptibility, whereas the subject is consciousness in itself, or consciousness envisaged in relation to its faculty of perception. In both cases there is a relationship of reciprocity and a relationship of divergence: with respect to the first, we would say that the world insofar as it is a perception is part of the subject, which perceives it; inversely the ego, insofar as it is something which the subject perceives as being outside itself, is part of the OBJECT. In the second case, that of divergence, we oppose the “in itself,” which is evidently OBJECTive, to pure consciousness “withdrawn into itself”; in the last analysis this brings us back to transcendence and to immanence, which meet in Unity and in the Indivisible. (GTUFS: HaveCenter, Universal Categories)