alternativism (FS)


Alternativism – that is, the prejudice of seeing in every relative and therefore reconcilable opposition a fundamental and irreconcilable one that would force us spiritually and morally to a violent choice – induced the early rationalists of Islam, namely the Mutazilites, to see an incompatibility between the Qualities of God and His Unity; from this there resulted a tendency either to deny the diversity of these qualities or even to deny them altogether. With the Mutazilites, one finds the same alternative between Justice and Predestination, and the same incapacity to see that here are two faces of a single reality, or two different relationships. The inability to reconcile the pure spirituality of God – or His “non-materiality” – with the possibility of a beatific vision stems from the same intellectual limitation. (GTUFS: ChristIslam, Dilemmas of Moslem Scholasticism)