artist (FS)


To creative exteriorization, which proceeds from the center to the
periphery, responds an initiatory or mystical interiorization, which proceeds in the inverse direction, and whose psychological prefiguration is virtue. Actually, virtue tends from the accidental towards the substantial or from the contingent form to the archetype,
to the “idea,” whose essence is the Sovereign Good, the Agathon. The same holds true for art, whose purpose is to transfer the archetype into contingency; and this is true “realism,” since the real lies above us, and not below us as the moderns would have it.
But it goes without saying that ARTISTic expression is no more than the prefiguration of spiritual alchemy, whose matter is the soul and which realizes, inwardly and in a fundamental manner, what art demonstrates and promises at the level of immediate perceptions and emotions. The ARTIST brings the Divine into the world; the mystic reintegrates the world – his soul – into the Divine; always with the help of Heaven, for
“Without ME ye can do nothing.” (GTUFS: SurveyME, Creation as a Divine Quality)