Christ (FS)

CHRIST: CHRIST is the Intellect of microcosms as well as that of the macrocosm. He is then the Intellect in us as well as the Intellect in the Universe and a fortiori in God; in this sense, it can be said that there is no truth nor wisdom that does not come from CHRIST, and this is evidently independent of all consideration of time and place. Just as ‘the Light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not’, so too the Intellect shines in the darkness of passions and illusions. (GTUFS: GnosisDW, The CHRISTian Tradition, Some Thoughts on its Nature)

CHRIST / Intellect: CHRIST is the Heart of the macrocosm as the Intellect is the CHRIST of the microcosm. (GTUFS: FormSR, Truth and Presence) CHRISTianity: “God became man that man might become God” {St. Irenaeus} (GTUFS: RootsHC, Outline of the CHRISTian Message)