Concretism coincides with what may be described as “factualism,” or the superstition of the fact, a fact being regarded as the opposite of a principle, the opposite therefore of what current prejudice regards as an abstraction. (GTUFS: LogicT, Abuse of the Ideas of the Concrete and the Abstract)
Philosophical CONCRETISM, actually an inverted realism, has always been a temptation for the human spirit, forgetful of its own true nature and its primordial vocation. The perverse CONCRETISM of the philosophers results from the naïve CONCRETISM of sensory experience; but whereas the latter remains neutral with regard to the suprasensible and the supernatural, the former sets itself up as a universal and totalitarian doctrine. Sensory CONCRETISM does not result so much from the fact of sensation in itself as from our separation (consequent upon man’s original fall) from invisible realities, which then become mythological notions and objects of faith differing widely in degree, since account has to be taken of wisdom as well as of childhood. Fallen man can be reduced to sensory experience, and to the reason which registers and coordinates this experience, and he is able to extract the whole of his fallacious wisdom out of this situation; a natural situation in a certain sense, but abnormal none the less, since even fallen man possesses other resources of knowledge besides sensation and the faculty of reason. (GTUFS: LogicT, Abuse of the Ideas of the Concrete and the Abstract)