darshan (FS)

The contemplation of the Divine in nature or in art. (GTUFS: DivineHuman, The Message of the Human Body)
To have the presentiment of the essences in things: this is the basis of the Hindu DARSHAN, of the visual assimilation of celestial qualities; the ideal being the coincidence between an object that manifests beauty or spirituality and a subject gifted with nobleness and depth, hence gratitude. And this is also the quasi-alchemical meaning of sacred art in all its forms. (GTUFS: HaveCenter, Intelligence and Character)
Hindu DARSHAN – the contemplation of saintly persons. (GTUFS: TreasuresB, Christianity Buddhism)

Darshan / Satsanga: Darshan is above all the contemplation of a saint, or of a man invested with a priestly or princely authority, and recognizable by the vestimentary or other symbols which manifest it; satsanga is the frequentation of holy men, or simply men of spiritual tendency. What is true for our living surroundings is likewise true for our inanimate surroundings, whose message or perfume we unconsciously assimilate to some degree or another. “Tell ME whom thou frequentest and I shall tell thee who thou art.” (GTUFS: EsoterismPW, The Degrees of Art)