All PROOF is relative by definition, since an absolute PROOF would be identical with the thing to be proved; a PROOF is always more or less separated from its object. There is something of its object, however, in the PROOF, and this something compels faith; in every manifestation of liberating truth there is an evidence to which we may or may not be sensitive, but which we grasp to the extent that our spirit recognizes in it some latent content of its own substance. The PROOF of the truth of the Invisible is the recollection which the expression of that truth actualizes in spirits that have remained true to their original vocation; the illuminative function devolves upon metaphysical argument, and also on symbols and miracles if account be taken of all the modes and imponderable factors of the intelligence or of the soul. To communicate Intellection to the receptive spirit is to remind it of what it is and at the same time of that Being through which it exists. (GTUFS: LogicT, Abuse of the Ideas of the Concrete and the Abstract)