
The term SHAKTI means fundamentally the efficient energy of the Supreme Principle envisaged in itself or at a given ontological degree. For the Principle, or let us say the metacosmic Order, comprises degrees and modes in virtue of Universal Relativity, Maya, in which it reverberates. In the domain of the spiritual life, the same term SHAKTI signifies the celestial energy that allows man to enter into contact with the Divinity, by means of the appropriate rites and on the basis of a traditional system. Essentially, this divine Shakti aids and attracts: She aids as “Mother,” and attracts as “Virgin”; Her aid descends upon us from Heaven, whereas Her attraction raises us towards Heaven. This is to say that the Shakti, as pontifex, on the one hand confers a second birth, and on the other offers liberating graces. In the Absolute, the Shakti is the aspect of Infinitude that coincides with All-Possibility and gives rise to Maya, the universal and efficient Shakti. (GTUFS: RootsHC, MahaSHAKTI)