Time: Time is but a spiroidal movement around a motionless Center. (GTUFS: LightAW, Religio Perennis)
Time (concrete / abstract): Concrete TIME is the changing of phenomena; abstract TIME is the duration which this change renders measurable. (GTUFS: DivineHuman, Structure and Universality of the Conditions of Existence)
Time (objective / subjective): Objective TIME is so to speak a spiroidal movement comprising four phases, and this movement is qualitatively ascending or descending, according to what the period of the full cycle requires; this is to say that TIME is like a wheel that turns, this rotation being itself submitted to a greater rotation, exactly as the rotation of the earth is inscribed in the rotation of the planet around the sun. As for subjective TIME, the definition of which is just as elementary as that of the corresponding space, it is divided into present, past and future: what we are, what we were and what we will be, and in addition, what our surroundings are, were and will be. (GTUFS: DivineHuman, Structure and Universality of the Conditions of Existence)