This reduction of the “distinct ego”, which finally disappears by being reabsorbed into a single point, is the same thing as al-Fanaa, and also as the “emptiness” mentioned above; moreover, it is clear, according to the symbolism of the wheel, that the “MOVEMENT” of a being becomes more reduced the nearer this being is to the center. Studies in Comparative Religion Winter Issue (1973) AL-FAQR (‘SPIRITUAL POVERTY’)
- A «viagem divina» do ser em via de liberação
- A artéria coronária e o raio solar
- A evolução póstuma do ser humano
- A liberação final
- A multiplicidade dos estados do ser
- A reabsorção das faculdades individuais
- A teoria hindu dos cinco elementos
- Abaixo-Acima (Guénon)
- ação (Guénon)
- acción sin deseo (Guénon) (RGSC)