sufic (FS)

Sufic Onomatology: “The First” (Al-Awwal): the Supreme Principle insofar as It is “before” Manifestation, and insofar as its Infinitude “desires” its Radiation. Mystery of the Origin, of the primordial Perfection. “The Last” (Al-Akhir): The Principle insofar as It is “after” Manifestation, and insofar as its Absoluteness “desires” its Unicity. Mystery of the final Good, of eternal Peace. “The Outward” (Azh-Zhahir): the Principle insofar as It manifests Itself through and in the World; from this derives the perspective of analogy. Mystery of universal Manifestation; of Symbolism. “The Inward” (Al-Batin): the Principle insofar as It remains hidden behind the appearances of Manifestation; from this derives the perspective of abstraction. Mystery of Immanence as well as of Transcendence. “God” (Allah): the Principle insofar as It includes all of its possible aspects. Mystery of Divinity. “The One” (Al-Ahad): the Principle insofar as It is One in Itself. Mystery of intrinsic Unity. “The Unique” (Al-Wahid): the Principle insofar as It is One in relation to Manifestation. Mystery of extrinsic Unity. “The Impenetrable” (As-Samad): the Principle insofar as nothing can be added to It, given that It contains everything; there is nothing that It does not already possess, thus nothing can enter into It. Mystery of exclusivity. “He” (Huwa): the Principle insofar as It is Itself; the Essence beyond the Qualities. Mystery of Ipseity, of Essentiality, of Aseity. “There is no divinity save the sole Divinity” (La ilaha illa Llah): the Principle insofar as It excludes and annuls the illusory World, while at the same time affirming the unique and supreme Reality. Mystery of Negation and of Affirmation; of Reality. “The Clement” (Ar-Rahman): the Principle insofar as it is in its nature to wish to communicate its Goodness, its Beauty, its Beatitude, insofar as It is the Sovereign Good “before” the creation of the World. Mystery of intrinsic Goodness. “The Merciful” (Ar-Rahim): the Principle insofar as It manifests its Goodness “after” the creation of the World and within it. Mystery of extrinsic Goodness. (GTUFS: TransfMan, Sufic Onomatology)