transformist (FS)

Transformist evolutionism is the classical example of the bias that invents “horizontal” causes because one does not wish to admit a “vertical” dimension: one seeks to extort from the physical plane a cause that it cannot furnish and that is necessarily situated above matter. (GTUFS: RootsHC, The Veil of Isis) Transformist evolution is but a materialist substitute for the ancient concept of the solidifying and segmenting “materialization” of a subtle and suprasensorial primordial substance, in which were prefigured all the diverse possibilities of the a posteriori material world. The answer to evolutionism is to be found in the doctrine of archetypes and “ideas,” the latter pertaining to pure Being – or to the Divine Intellect – and the former pertaining to the primordial substance in which the archetypes become “incarnated,” as it were by reverberation. (GTUFS: LogicT, The Contradiction of Relativism)

Frithjof Schuon