Weakness is abandonment to illusions and lack of intellectual penetration with regard to appearances, and hence a lack of inward homogeneity and consequently of resistance. (GTUFS: EyeHeart, Transgression and Purification)

Weakness / Strength: Weakness is the habitual conviction of being weak; to be weak is to be unaware that every man has access to strength, to all the strength there is. Strength is not a privilege of the strong, it is a potentiality of every man; the problem is to find access to this strength. To be weak is to be passively subject to duration; to be strong is to be actively free in the instant, in the Eternal Present. To be weak is to give way to pressures, and one gives way to pressures because one does not see the effects in the causes. Sin is a cause, punishment is its concordant effect. Man is weak because he lacks faith; his faith is abstract, hypocritical and inoperative; he believes in Heaven and in Hell, but he behaves as if he did not believe in them. Now we must flee from evil as we would flee from a fire we see rushing towards us, and we must attach ourselves to the good as we would attach ourselves to an oasis we see in the midst of a desert. (GTUFS: PlayMasks, Weakness and Strength)