
The SUBCONSCIOUS covers all whereof we have no consciousness in an actual fashion, be it a matter of higher realities or of psychic complexes; but in fact, what people ordinarily understand by “SUBCONSCIOUS” is merely the inferior psychism, as is moreover consistent with its etymology whenever sub is opposed to super or supra. If the word “infra-conscious” were a current term, it should serve to indicate, not that of which we are only faintly conscious, but rather that which is little endowed with consciousness. (GTUFS: TreasuresB, The Question of Illusion)

Subconscious (spiritual): The idea of the SUBCONSCIOUS is susceptible, not only of a psychological and lower interpretation, but also of a spiritual, higher, and consequently purely qualitative interpretation. It is true that in this case one should speak of the “supra­conscious” but the fact is that the supra-conscious has also an aspect that is “subterranean” in relation to our ordinary consciousness, just as the heart resembles a submerged sanctuary which, symbolically speaking, reappears on the surface thanks to unitive realization; it is this subterranean aspect that allows us to speak – in a provisional way – of a “spiritual SUBCONSCIOUS,” which must never at any time be taken to mean the lower, vital psyche, the passive and chaotic dreaming of individuals and collectivities. (GTUFS: UIslam, The Path)