The AVATARA “incarnates” God, while also personifying – since he is in the world – Creation, Universal Spirit, Man and Intellect; if he incarnates God he cannot be other than perfect, and if he is perfect – and he is so by definition – he cannot but incarnate the total cosmos, the primary manifestation of the Principle, with the subsequent manifestations that it implies. (GTUFS: StationsW, Manifestations of the Divine Principle)
In the AVATARA there is quite obviously a separation between the human and the divine – or between accident and Substance – then there is a mixing, not of human accident and divine Substance, but of the human and the direct reflection of Substance in the cosmic accident; relatively to the human this reflection may be called divine, on condition that the Cause is not in any way reduced to the effect. For some, the AVATARA is God “descended”; for others, he is an “opening” which allows God immutably “on high” to be seen. (GTUFS: EsoterismPW, The Mystery of the Veil)
The AVATARA is Divine Man and human God. (GTUFS: FormSR, Insights into the Muhammadan Phenomenon)
The AVATARA does not convince by his words and his marvels alone, he transmits certainty to an equal extent by the visible harmony of his being, which allows us to glimpse the shores of the Infinite and revives the deepest yearnings while also appeasing them. (GTUFS: LogicT, Concerning the Proofs of God)
Avatara (FS)
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