five (FS)

Five Divine Presences: In Sufi terminology they are: the “human realm” (nasut), that is, the domain of the corporeal, since man is created out of “earth”; then the “realm of royalty” (malakut), so called because it immediately dominates the corporeal world; next comes the “realm of power” (jabarut), which, macrocosmically, is Heaven and, microcosmically, the created or human intellect, that “supernaturally natural” Paradise which we carry within us. The fourth degree is the “Realm of the Divine’ (Lahut), which is Being and which coincides with the uncreated Intellect, the Logos; the final degree – if provisional use can be made of such a term – is none other than “Quiddity” or “Aseity” or “Ipseity” (Hahut, from Huwa, “He”), in other words, the Infinite Self. (GTUFS: FormSR, The Five Divine Presences)