Infinite (FS)


In metaphysics, it is necessary to start from the idea that the Supreme Reality is absolute, and that being absolute it is infinite. That is absolute which allows of no augmentation or diminution, or of no repetition or division; it is therefore that which is at once solely itself and totally itself. And that is infinite which is not determined by any limiting factor and therefore does not end at any boundary; it is in the first place Potentiality or Possibility as such, and ipso facto the Possibility of things, hence Virtuality. Without All-Possibility, there would be neither Creator nor creation, neither Maya nor Samsara. The INFINITE is so to speak the intrinsic dimension of plenitude proper to the Absolute; to say Absolute is to say INFINITE, the one being inconceivable without the other. We can symbolize the relation between these two aspects of Supreme Reality by the following images: in space, the absolute is the point, and the infinite is extension; in time, the absolute is the moment, and the infinite is duration. On the plane of matter, the absolute is the ether – the underlying and omnipresent primordial substance – whereas the infinite is the indefinite series of substances; on the plane of form, the absolute is the sphere – the simple, perfect and primordial form – and the infinite is the indefinite series of more or less complex forms; finally, on the plane of number, the absolute will be unity or unicity, and the infinite will be the unlimited series of numbers or possible quantities, or totality. The distinction between the Absolute and the INFINITE expresses the two fundamental aspects of the Real, that of essentiality and that of potentiality; this is the highest principial prefiguration of the masculine and feminine poles. Universal Radiation, thus Maya both divine and cosmic, springs from the second aspect, the INFINITE, which coincides with All-Possibility. (GTUFS: SurveyME, Summary of Integral Metaphysics)

Life of the Absolute. (GTUFS: RoadHeart, Cosmos)

To say Absolute, is to say INFINITE; Infinitude is an intrinsic aspect of the Absolute. It is from this “dimension” of Infinitude that the world necessarily springs forth; the world exists because the Absolute, being such, implies Infinitude. (GTUFS: DivineHuman, The Interplay of the Hypostases)

The INFINITE is that which, in the world, appears as modes of expanse or of extension, such as space, time, form or diversity, number or multiplicity, matter or substance. In other words, and to be more precise: there is a conserving mode, and this is space; a transforming mode, and this is time; a qualitative mode, and this is form, not inasmuch as it limits, but inasmuch as it implies indefinite diversity; a quantitative mode, and this is number, not inasmuch as it fixes a given quantity, but inasmuch as it too is indefinite; a substantial mode, and this is matter, it too being without limit as is shown by the star-filled sky. Each of these modes has its prolongation – or more exactly its basis – in the animic state and beyond, for these modes are the very pillars of universal existence. (GTUFS: DivineHuman, The Interplay of the Hypostases)

Infinitude, as we have said, is the radiation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, of the Absolute: a priori it is internal Bliss, if one may say so; in becoming relative a posteriori, it becomes hypostatic and creative as well as saving Maya; . . . the Absolute as such and its radiating Shakti – Infinitude. (GTUFS: FaceA, Islam and Consciousness of the Absolute)

Infinity implies by definition the at least symbolical possibility of its own negation; hence the “existentialization” of nothingness. “And the more man blasphemes,” Meister Eckhart says, “the more he praises God”; in puffing itself up with pride in order to deny That which is, the existentialized nothingness pays homage to Being, the source of all existence. (GTUFS: HaveCenter, Concerning an Onto-Cosmological Ambiguity)