universal (FS)

Universal Radiation: Universal radiation is the unfolding of accidents, starting from initial Relativity; necessary Being, radiating by virtue of its infinitude, gives rise to Contingency. (GTUFS: EsoterismPW, The Mystery of the Veil)

Universal Spirit: The Universal Spirit is the divine Intelligence incarnate in Existence; it is like the reflection of the divine Sun in the cosmic Substance: God projects Himself, so to speak, into that “void” or “nothingness” which is the plane of the creature. He creates Himself, it might be said, as “the Spirit of God” moving “upon the face of the waters,” and it is from these – from the chaos of cosmic possibilities – that He causes the world to come forth. This Spirit is thus the divine Intellect immanent in the Cosmos, of which It constitutes the center and the heart; It penetrates as by innumerable arteries of light into all realms – or into all microcosms – of the manifested Universe; it is thus that God is present at the center of everything. (GTUFS: StationsW, Manifestations of the Divine Principle)

Frithjof Schuon